Sunday, April 6, 2014

Pen Pals

What a treasure it is to find a person that you can actually sit down and write back and forth. Not just send an email or send a message on Facebook, but to actually sit and take the time to write down your thoughts and hopes to another person.
I have had the same Pen Pal for over 10 years now. It is amazing how close you can feel to a person whom you have never met. I feel as if she is my sister. It is always exciting to see a letter come from her in the mail. Yes, we are Facebook friends and I can see what she posts, but it is nice to receive something that is directed toward me. It is proof that there was someone on this earth that cared enough about our relationship that she sat down and wrote a nice letter. It is nice to hear about the things that aren't posted on Facebook. You get to have a whole new world open up in front of you as you read about the intricate details of their life.
How awesome would it be to take a week or month or even a year and dedicate it to thinking of other people? To decide that you will take 30 minutes out of your day and sit down to write to someone you care about. I'm sure there is a person who comes up in your mind every once in a while that you haven't seen or spoken to for a long while. Why not write them now?
Sometimes you have to learn to love every minute of your life.

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